Confused T-RexFrequently Asked Questions

Where and when does tutoring take place?

Tutoring and consultations take place at Brook Hollow Library (530 Heimer). Sessions are on weekdays and by appointment only.

Can you tutor at my house?

To lessen distractions, tutoring is held at a library. Tutoring in one place keeps scheduling simple and allows me to see more students by eliminating travel time.

What do I do during tutoring?

Parents are welcome to browse the library or enjoy some quiet time at another table during sessions (Children do better when the parent isn’t hovering).

How often should my child attend tutoring?

Once a week per subject is recommended. Twice a week may be recommended for students who are performing significantly below grade level.

How are sessions scheduled?

Sessions are scheduled using an online portal. Once you select the appropriate service, available dates and times will be shown. A free consultation is required before sessions.

Does my child have to attend tutoring the same day and time each week?

Sessions are scheduled as separate events (not recurring) in the online portal. This gives you the ability to choose the dates and times best for you. With enough notice, scheduling the same day and time each week is usually possible.

Is there a minimum number of sessions required?

While there is no minimum number of sessions required, overcoming academic challenges takes time. Tutoring is a commitment and an investment in your child’s education.

How do I pay for the sessions? When is payment due?

Once you have scheduled sessions you will receive an invoice via email. Payment is due in advance.